Saturday, February 21, 2009

Not willing to accept defeat

Not willing to accept defeat, quickly funded more money, blow up
again. Beginning to doubt? How come what I have learned doesn’t
work? It looks like the market is always against me and not knowing
that you have only let yourselves to be deceived. The market doesn’t
know who you are and it is only you who is taking it personal.

Perhaps you should wait like a sniper who always calculates his shot
first. The target distance, it’s moving speed and the wind direction.
Even with all these calculations he still waits for the perfect timing to
fire the shot. Why? Because he got to be right for he has only one shot
and there is no room for mistake.

Don’t you think that it is logical for you as novice, with such a small
account to trade should to be sharp and be more careful with your
trades? You must develop top priority in protecting your capital as
there are full of crocodiles, sharks and piranhas waiting for you to get
into the water. Your ignorance can lead you to be eaten alive.

“Investing without research is like playing stud poker without
looking at the cards” – Peter Lynch

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