Saturday, February 21, 2009

Section 2

Section 2

The Bearish Reversal System

Making quick profits from falling stocks

A Bearish Reversal is a change against the prevailing upward trend.
Technical analysts watch for these patterns because they can indicate
the need for a different trading strategy. Early detection of a bearish
reversal patterns can be very profitable for a Put Option purchase
often resulting in more than a hundred percentages in gains. Mastering
the ability to identify major Chart Patterns and Japanese Candlesticks
formation are going to be of high benefits to you.

AMGEN INC. Bearish Reversal Signals

Trade for profits, not for excitement

Trade for profits, not for excitement

It is not about what you trade but rather how you trade. By just
selecting the appropriate strategies isn’t good enough, what you need
is a system that can produce consistent profit every month. It requires
discipline to follow your trading plan and your trading objectives.

You must be able to differentiate between trading and gambling. Many
will get carried with one strike of chance and take away a big prized
money or being misled by others who post their winnings in some
forum. If you feel excited when you are trading options, you are

Many novices don’t even read charts or relay on any technical
indicators at all when buying the options. What they have in mind is
the amount of money they can make if the stock makes a big move
the next day. This is greed; too much is going to kill you. Be very
careful as not to turn your computer screen into an online casino.

“If investing is entertaining, if you’re having fun, you’re
probably not making any money. Good investing is boring”

– George Soros

Not willing to accept defeat

Not willing to accept defeat, quickly funded more money, blow up
again. Beginning to doubt? How come what I have learned doesn’t
work? It looks like the market is always against me and not knowing
that you have only let yourselves to be deceived. The market doesn’t
know who you are and it is only you who is taking it personal.

Perhaps you should wait like a sniper who always calculates his shot
first. The target distance, it’s moving speed and the wind direction.
Even with all these calculations he still waits for the perfect timing to
fire the shot. Why? Because he got to be right for he has only one shot
and there is no room for mistake.

Don’t you think that it is logical for you as novice, with such a small
account to trade should to be sharp and be more careful with your
trades? You must develop top priority in protecting your capital as
there are full of crocodiles, sharks and piranhas waiting for you to get
into the water. Your ignorance can lead you to be eaten alive.

“Investing without research is like playing stud poker without
looking at the cards” – Peter Lynch

Friday, February 20, 2009


Boil a cup of rice until tender and dry. Make a half pint of paprika
sauce. Turn the rice into the center of a platter, smooth it down,
cover the top with poached eggs, pour over the paprika sauce and send
at once to the table.


Chop sufficient cold chicken to make a half cupful, add an equal
quantity of finely-chopped mushrooms, add this to a half pint of cream
sauce. Add one unbeaten egg to a pint of cold boiled rice, season it
with salt and pepper, make into round, flat cakes, and fry in hot fat.
Arrange these on a heated platter, pour over the cream sauce mixture,
and put on top of each a poached egg.