Sunday, February 8, 2009

The early morning to drink fruit juice, beauty is not physical injury

The early morning to drink fruit juice, beauty is not physical injury 

Morning juice milk 

The health of the body must maintain the moisture balance in the day should be drinking 7-8 glasses of water. Many people are aware, after getting up to drink the first glass of water fasting is good for health. However, do you look at that in the end of this glass of water before drinking how to correct? Water, light salt water, honey water, lemonade, fruit juice, milk ... ... these options are right? 
What to drink? 
Water √ 
Fresh water is the best option. Water is the natural state of water purification after a multi-layer treatment, the boil from the water at high temperature in micro-organisms have been killed, boiled water in the calcium and magnesium, elements of good health is very useful, and calcium, magnesium and other elements The hard water has the role of the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Water can be rapidly diluted blood to correct the night hyperosmolar dehydration. 
√ honey water 
Morning with a cup of honey water to drink more scientific. After a night of sleep after people, most in vivo and excretion of water has been absorbed, then an empty stomach drink a cup of honey water, can add moisture, this can increase the nutrition, completely replace the water position. 
Lemonade √ 
Up every morning, pending before eating, fasting to drink a cup of lemon added a fresh piece of hot water. This cup of water is not only a body detoxification best pH neutralizer, but also play a clear exclude the effectiveness of toxins. In addition, if the poor have tone problems, it also can help you improve. 
What do not drink? 
Freshly squeezed juice - add to the burden of gastrointestinal × 

Many people wrongly believe that the morning is drink a cup of fresh fruit juice to quench their thirst and nutrition, In fact, this is wrong. The first morning cup water to drink fruit juice, and can not provide at this time the body needs the most moisture, but in the dry state in the gastrointestinal let work is not conducive to good health. 
Dilute brine - not wholesome × 
Has led many people to think drinking is conducive to dilute brine in good health, so early morning light to drink salt water, this understanding is unscientific. Sleep in the night did not drink water, but breathing, perspiration, urinary still in progress, these physiological activities of many losses to consumption of water, drink salt water then it will add to hyperosmolar dehydration, dry mouth is more. Morning blood pressure increase the body's first peak, drink salt water will make blood pressure higher. 
Cola drinks, etc. - to accelerate the loss of calcium and water × 
Coke and other soft drinks and carbonated drinks contain citric acid in the majority, in the metabolism will speed up the excretion of calcium and lower blood calcium levels, long-term drinking will lead to calcium deficiency. While some beverages have diuretic effect, the early morning of drinking not only the body can not effectively supplement the lack of water, we will increase the body's water requirements, but the water shortage caused by the body. 
Milk - the loss of nutrition in vain × 
Milk is not "the first cup." Fasting milk is "wearing-off intestinal and" time to digest the stomach, small intestine could not absorb, the nutritional value of milk, it can not embody, there are people who appear allergic reactions such as gastrointestinal flatulence, but also to become a bad thing. Therefore, the morning's milk can not be used as the first cup, in order to give full play to the nutritional value of protein. 
What is the most appropriate temperature 
Warm √ 
Drink the same water with the best at room temperature, cold weather can be warm to drink boiled water to minimize gastrointestinal irritation. Cooling after boiling the water to 20-25 ℃, with a specific biological activity, it is relatively easy through the cell membrane and promote metabolism, enhance the body's immune function. Those who used to drinking temperature, the cooler water of the people, the body higher dehydrogenase activity, metabolic status, and muscle tissue to reduce accumulation of lactic acid, it is not easy fatigue. Boiling water in the laundry the night before, we have to stamp, because water in the air exposed for too long will lose activity. 
Ice × 
Some people like to get up the morning after the ice box, think that the most refreshing. In fact, this morning, drinking water is out of date, because at this time have been gastrointestinal emptying, too cold or too hot water will stimulate the stomach, causing gastrointestinal discomfort, flatulence caused by the body. 
Morning the first glass of water Keywords 
Fasting: Fasting early morning drink to be drunk, that is, before meals, or serve any purpose to promote blood circulation, erosion and other gastrointestinal effects. 
Drink slowly: a small population of small mouth and swallowing because of excessive water velocity is very disadvantageous to the body, may lead to lower blood pressure and cerebral edema, leading to headaches, nausea, vomiting. 
300 milliliters: early morning wake up one day when a new body of water to add a critical moment, when to drink 300 milliliters of water the best. 
Every day: a healthy person, per day to drink at least 7 - 8 glasses of water (about 2.5 liters), large amount of exercise or hot weather, the water intake should be increased accordingly. 
Five benefits 
First, add water: the human body when to sleep at night from the urine, skin, respiratory consumed a large amount of water, future generations understand the morning in a physiological state of water shortage. The loss of a body of water at about 450 ml, morning drink to add to the body to lose water metabolism. 
Second, to prevent constipation: the morning after getting up drinking water can stimulate the gastrointestinal motility, intestinal humid, and promote the excretion of feces, prevention and treatment of constipation. 
Three, washed stomach: the morning after getting up has been gastrointestinal emptying, when water can be washed clean stomach, dilute acid to reduce stomach irritation to the gastrointestinal maintain the best condition. 
IV, awake brain: after getting up to drink the water will soon be absorbed by the intestinal mucosa into the blood, which can effectively increase the volume of blood solubilization, dilution of blood, lower blood consistency, and promote blood circulation, to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease, but also people rapid recovery of the brain awake. 
V. beauty beauty: the morning after getting up for physically pay, allow water to quickly transported to the body, helps blood circulation, but also help the body from toxins, nourishing the skin, so that the skin of water.

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