Friday, February 13, 2009

Five Ways governance movement Men emission

Five Ways governance movement Men emission 

Male health care diet campaign 

Boys to years old, sometimes unconsciously in their sleep happen phenomenon, which is emission. Emission is a normal physiological phenomenon of sexual development of boys are becoming increasingly sophisticated logo. 
Emission long as they do not frequently happen, will not have an impact on health. However, if the emission is too frequent, such as 1 ~ 2 days there is one meeting, or a sexual impulse on row essence, that is sick of. 
Frequently lead to the spirit of the doldrums emission, dizziness fatigue, languid, pale yellow, the impact of mental and physical health. Sports physical therapy to strengthen, adjust nerve function, treatment, emission has a unique effect. 

Here are several simple methods: 
Static Squat Law 
 chest, knees to make 1 / 4 squat (thigh leg curvature of 120 ~ 140 degrees Celsius), head and neck straight, eyes front, as the arms move forward flat, knees posture in maintaining the same circumstances, make every effort to the inside of the folder, so that the legs, lower abdomen, buttocks maintain a high degree of tension, sustained half a minute after walking a few steps, let the muscles relax and then to do. So repeatedly, the number of self. Every morning to do one of the back. With the enhanced, duration may be gradually extended, repetition can also be gradually increased. 
Crosstraining, freeclimber arm supine legs give law 
Check supine position, his arms stretched in the first post, then lift his legs at the same time rapidly lifting arms so that the two hands and toe contact between the top of the abdomen, when the suction lift, when to restore the breath. Sooner or later each day can be conducted once each do 24 ~ 32 under. With abdominal strength increased, and repeat the above-mentioned number of actions can be gradually increased. 
Finger with both hands clockwise and counterclockwise, respectively, according to repeated gently massage hypogastric Point (abdominal side 2 refers) and Shenshu hole (the smallest waist Department back, next to the second lumbar spinous process to open the next 3 refers to the Agency), through massage these two points, can help adjust and improve sexual function. 
Levator ani Campaign Act 
Sitting on the bed to do anal contraction moves stool looks very similar to endure every night before going to bed, each of which can be contracted to 48 ~ 64 times. Inspiratory contraction and relax when the breath, movement desirable soft, slow and full of rhythm, force evenly. On a regular basis, there is the effect of a long time. 
Cold water washing method 
Temperature, environmental permitting, night first with cold water, then rinse with cold water scrotum a few minutes, help to reduce neuronal excitability. The beginning of washing time not too long and Shen method were weak. 
Here must be pointed out that treatment of PE emission is not able to work several times, only to establish persistence, perseverance, in order to receive good results. In addition, the use of physical therapy when they pay attention to focus primarily on learning and work to cultivate a wide range of interests and hobbies, many take part in collective activities, the establishment of a reasonable living system, adoption of a healthy lifestyle: get rid of masturbation; Good morning, do not Snooze, wake up on the bed, before going to bed Do not drink too much water; feet with hot water, so the technique that is able to fall asleep; beds not too warm or too soft, not too thick blankets, underwear should be relaxed ; sleep posture to side as well, do not hold urine (because the bladder will stimulating nerves, causing central excited and emission) and so on. Information, which is also indispensable to reduce the emission.

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