Sunday, February 8, 2009

Man more than the sun to help fertility

Man more than the sun to help fertility 

  Male infertility 

Mouth from the winter cold, this season is the best possession of the human body dependent moment. The body affected by cold temperature, the physiological function and loss of appetite, etc. change. How can we adjust the state of good health, family life in particular the successful overwintering of winter health guide launched a series of articles, for your comprehensive health care information of all kinds of winter, so this is no longer the cold winter! 
People often use "sunshine boys" to describe the energetic of men, in fact, sunlight is important to enhance male vitality of substances, including the vitality of sperm. The most adequate in the sun in summer, female pregnancy rates often higher, which are related to sunlight to promote synthesis of vitamin D on the body. The latest research shows that lifestyle changes and supplements of vitamin D help to improve infertility. 
Australia on infertility study found that pregnant partner should not make vitamin D Man widespread shortage. 
Experts said vitamin D production in the semen plays a decisive role, not only to help the formation of semen, and which makes the activity of sperm. It is estimated that men's sperm normal vitamin D receptor activity is that the semen of infertile men 3 times. 
The incidence of male infertility is increasing, according to World Health Organization data show that married couples should not birth year accounted for about 15%, but the majority of infertility is of unknown etiology for idiopathic infertility . 
Experts recommend that occurred in unexplained male infertility may be more attention to the sun. Australia, the study found that lifestyle changes and supplements of vitamin D, the Male infertility has been significantly improved. However, unreasonable sun-induced skin cancer may be, generally, to choose the temperature at 18-20 degrees Celsius when the more desirable, it is best for outdoor sports, exercise can help the absorption of vitamins. However, time should not be too long, a maximum of two hours, it is necessary to avoid the 12 o'clock to 15 o'clock the sun the strongest time-consuming and not to apply sunscreen, so as not to affect vitamin D absorption.

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