Friday, February 13, 2009

Why women-after abdominal pain

Why women-after abdominal pain 

Physiological gender pain 

Some women after sexual intercourse, and even sexual intercourse is not over yet, on the occurrence of paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen, and some can tolerate, while others are severe unbearable, and some slightly improved by the rest will disappear, while others must be on the hospital for treatment. 
  Female urethra and bladder at the bottom of the vagina around the uterus and its annex, and the relationship between the vagina is also very close, vulnerable to external pressures and physiological factors. When sexual excitement, genital hyperemia, the pelvic organs will be different levels of "stress response", muscle contraction happened, convulsions, and some may be manifested as mild abdominal pain. If the length of sexual impulses, sexual desire can not be met, but also may occur Yu pelvic blood, chronic or acute abdominal pain. 
Some women get in on the Male sexual intercourse posture, as a result of sexual activity, especially the effects of orgasm, the uterus, attachment, bladder and other pelvic organs prone to shift and stretch the surrounding tissue, causing abdominal pain, but in most cases, can alleviate the disappear. 
Sexual intercourse or sexual intercourse after the attack the body by the cold, in a state of expansion and congestive organs, tissues, blood vessels sudden contraction, manifested as severe abdominal pain may be. Sometimes misdiagnosed as "attachment-Yan", "pelvic inflammatory disease" and other illnesses. Excessive force and extrusion man side, abdominal pressure increased, bowel movements are affected, and sometimes reverse peristalsis can happen, manifested as paroxysmal abdominal pain and therefore urges the men in the sexual action to Medium soft. 
Man of the prostaglandins in semen can pregnant women after the emergence of uterine contraction (non-pregnant persons will not be). This particular physiological phenomenon will not only cause abdominal pain, may also cause premature birth, abortion. If you wear a condom, semen and vaginal mucous membrane to avoid direct contact, this phenomenon would not have happened. 
However, some women and condoms for vaginal very sensitive, allergic reactions can occur, and some infections may occur, which also suffer from abdominal pain. Replacement of contraceptive methods, this phenomenon would not have happened. 
Sexual intercourse, the number of coincident events is also possible. Because of the lower abdomen by a strong impact, vibration, mature follicle, corpus luteum or ectopic pregnancy can rupture suddenly, causing severe abdominal pain and intraperitoneal bleeding. Clinically, the pain has happened thus shock and hemorrhagic shock cases. If this is the case, must immediately on the hospital for treatment. "

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