Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Matt: But not all attorneys remained

Matt: But not all attorneys remained "behind the times." Have internet-savvy bankruptcy attorneys used virtual bankruptcy assistants in the past?
Dennis: Yes. The first internet-based company offering virtual bankruptcy assistant service was The Lawyer Assistant. Like I said before, the term "virtual" was not used back then so The Lawyer Assistant marketed its services under the more widely used term at the time: "bankruptcy forms processor."
Matt: But isn't a "bankruptcy forms processor" a non-attorney who prepares documents for the general public and competes with attorneys?
Dennis: Not The Lawyer Assistant. They dedicated their services solely to attorneys. In fact, many attorneys who did not have a bankruptcy practice formed one when they learned about the benefits The Lawyer Assistant offered to their law firm.
Matt: Is the company still in business?

A virtual assistant never leaves your side. They are as close as your office or laptop computer, regardless of where you are located in the world!

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