Thursday, February 26, 2009

The purpose of this book is to shed some

The purpose of this book is to shed some light on the often mysterious and sometimes daunting world of real estate.
With the proper guidance and education, real estate can not only be fun but it can be very lucrative for you.
In this book, I will explain some often confusing aspects of buying and selling real estate and expose some of the tricks of the trade some of those other real estate agents don’t want you to know.


Troy’s involvement within the community, his listening and negotiating skills, his professional designations, being a member of four real estate boards and their respective multiple listing services (MLS), his solid relationships with the area's best mortgage lenders, escrow officers and title insurers, as well as his state-of-the-art computer equipment, enable him to provide his clients with that extra level of professionalism.

Troy was President and Treasurer

Troy was President and Treasurer, and is currently Vice President of Public Relations for Burbank Media Center Toastmasters #125. He was a founding member of the Studio City Leads Club and served as Treasurer and President. He is also a Wishgranter and Ambassador for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and is active with the Tony Robbins Foundation and their Basket Brigade.

He is actively involved within the Burbank community

He is actively involved within the Burbank community. He is a graduate of the Burbank Citizens Police Academy and a member of the Magnolia Park Citizens Advisory Committee. He worked on the successful election campaign of Burbank City Councilman Jef Vander Borght.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


clients. In debtor bankruptcy law an attorney normally has "John Doe public" as clients. There is a big difference between the two when it comes to money, power and prestige.
Matt: Did the paralegal who started The Lawyer Assistant actually develop the concept of the "virtual bankruptcy assistant"? It sounds like she is another "Erin Brockovich"?
Dennis: I was curious myself so I called her on the telephone one day. After speaking with Victoria Ring, I was convinced that she is definitely another Erin Brockovich (except she doesn't use fowl language.) In fact, I was so impressed that I offered her a job working for me to help build my bankruptcy practice. However, she explained that she had a strong dedication to the goal of training others rather than going back to the 9:00 to 5:00 world.
To find out more, I purchased her book: "How to Start a Virtual Bankruptcy Assistant Service" (ISBN: 0976159171.) It was one of the best training manuals

Dennis: No

Dennis: No. Only nine months after development, Victoria Ring (the sole proprietor) had a customer base of 56 attorneys. She was processing (on the average) of 125-150 Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy petitions every week plus running the company. Unable to find qualified people to help her, she was unable to keep up with the workload and sold the company so she could dedicate her time exclusively to training. That is when she developed the company, 713Training.Com, which is responsible for many of the experienced virtual bankruptcy assistants working today.
Matt: Who bought the company?
Dennis: It was sold to David Gonzalez, Esq. — an attorney in Bronxville, New York. However, after almost 2 years of operation, David's interests graduated to the corporate law arena. As you know — corporate law is often more financially rewarding compared to debtor bankruptcy law. In corporate law an attorney has large businesses and corporations as

Victoria Ring, Certified Paralegal
Developer of The Lawyer Assistant and 713Training.Com

Matt: But not all attorneys remained

Matt: But not all attorneys remained "behind the times." Have internet-savvy bankruptcy attorneys used virtual bankruptcy assistants in the past?
Dennis: Yes. The first internet-based company offering virtual bankruptcy assistant service was The Lawyer Assistant. Like I said before, the term "virtual" was not used back then so The Lawyer Assistant marketed its services under the more widely used term at the time: "bankruptcy forms processor."
Matt: But isn't a "bankruptcy forms processor" a non-attorney who prepares documents for the general public and competes with attorneys?
Dennis: Not The Lawyer Assistant. They dedicated their services solely to attorneys. In fact, many attorneys who did not have a bankruptcy practice formed one when they learned about the benefits The Lawyer Assistant offered to their law firm.
Matt: Is the company still in business?

A virtual assistant never leaves your side. They are as close as your office or laptop computer, regardless of where you are located in the world!

Monday, February 23, 2009

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

written by

spurt" and he needed to change some of his internal
office procedures to accommodate the growth.

However, Matt would soon learn that things were
much worse than he thought. Sometimes, what looks
good on the outside is not always good on the inside.

Matt was happy with his bankruptcy law practice

Matt was happy with his bankruptcy law practice
and it had grown into a financially successful law firm.
Because he received many of his clients from referrals
by former clients (and other attorneys) his marketing
costs were low. Matt knew this was a result of providing good service and building a client base of loyal,
dedicated clients. However, Matt also noticed that his
law practice was experiencing a noticeable "growth

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a day you can relax and unwind?
Hiring virtual assistants can help you accomplish that goal!

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

written by

Our story begins with Matt Anderson. Matt Anderson has been a bankruptcy attorney for 22 years. His
dad started the law firm back in the 1960s and passed
it on to his son. Matt loved working on the debtor side
of bankruptcy law. He had a compassion for the
average blue-collar worker — and it showed; his
clients loved him and referred their family and friends
to his law firm all the time. Additionally, since Matt's
client base consisted mainly of no-asset cases, they
moved quickly through the court system. He rarely had
to go to court (except for a 5-10 minute 341 Meeting)
and this helped to create a fast turnaround rate for his
Chapter 7 cases and increased profits for his law firm.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Section 2

Section 2

The Bearish Reversal System

Making quick profits from falling stocks

A Bearish Reversal is a change against the prevailing upward trend.
Technical analysts watch for these patterns because they can indicate
the need for a different trading strategy. Early detection of a bearish
reversal patterns can be very profitable for a Put Option purchase
often resulting in more than a hundred percentages in gains. Mastering
the ability to identify major Chart Patterns and Japanese Candlesticks
formation are going to be of high benefits to you.

AMGEN INC. Bearish Reversal Signals

Trade for profits, not for excitement

Trade for profits, not for excitement

It is not about what you trade but rather how you trade. By just
selecting the appropriate strategies isn’t good enough, what you need
is a system that can produce consistent profit every month. It requires
discipline to follow your trading plan and your trading objectives.

You must be able to differentiate between trading and gambling. Many
will get carried with one strike of chance and take away a big prized
money or being misled by others who post their winnings in some
forum. If you feel excited when you are trading options, you are

Many novices don’t even read charts or relay on any technical
indicators at all when buying the options. What they have in mind is
the amount of money they can make if the stock makes a big move
the next day. This is greed; too much is going to kill you. Be very
careful as not to turn your computer screen into an online casino.

“If investing is entertaining, if you’re having fun, you’re
probably not making any money. Good investing is boring”

– George Soros

Not willing to accept defeat

Not willing to accept defeat, quickly funded more money, blow up
again. Beginning to doubt? How come what I have learned doesn’t
work? It looks like the market is always against me and not knowing
that you have only let yourselves to be deceived. The market doesn’t
know who you are and it is only you who is taking it personal.

Perhaps you should wait like a sniper who always calculates his shot
first. The target distance, it’s moving speed and the wind direction.
Even with all these calculations he still waits for the perfect timing to
fire the shot. Why? Because he got to be right for he has only one shot
and there is no room for mistake.

Don’t you think that it is logical for you as novice, with such a small
account to trade should to be sharp and be more careful with your
trades? You must develop top priority in protecting your capital as
there are full of crocodiles, sharks and piranhas waiting for you to get
into the water. Your ignorance can lead you to be eaten alive.

“Investing without research is like playing stud poker without
looking at the cards” – Peter Lynch

Friday, February 20, 2009


Boil a cup of rice until tender and dry. Make a half pint of paprika
sauce. Turn the rice into the center of a platter, smooth it down,
cover the top with poached eggs, pour over the paprika sauce and send
at once to the table.


Chop sufficient cold chicken to make a half cupful, add an equal
quantity of finely-chopped mushrooms, add this to a half pint of cream
sauce. Add one unbeaten egg to a pint of cold boiled rice, season it
with salt and pepper, make into round, flat cakes, and fry in hot fat.
Arrange these on a heated platter, pour over the cream sauce mixture,
and put on top of each a poached egg.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Why women-after abdominal pain

Why women-after abdominal pain 

Physiological gender pain 

Some women after sexual intercourse, and even sexual intercourse is not over yet, on the occurrence of paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen, and some can tolerate, while others are severe unbearable, and some slightly improved by the rest will disappear, while others must be on the hospital for treatment. 
  Female urethra and bladder at the bottom of the vagina around the uterus and its annex, and the relationship between the vagina is also very close, vulnerable to external pressures and physiological factors. When sexual excitement, genital hyperemia, the pelvic organs will be different levels of "stress response", muscle contraction happened, convulsions, and some may be manifested as mild abdominal pain. If the length of sexual impulses, sexual desire can not be met, but also may occur Yu pelvic blood, chronic or acute abdominal pain. 
Some women get in on the Male sexual intercourse posture, as a result of sexual activity, especially the effects of orgasm, the uterus, attachment, bladder and other pelvic organs prone to shift and stretch the surrounding tissue, causing abdominal pain, but in most cases, can alleviate the disappear. 
Sexual intercourse or sexual intercourse after the attack the body by the cold, in a state of expansion and congestive organs, tissues, blood vessels sudden contraction, manifested as severe abdominal pain may be. Sometimes misdiagnosed as "attachment-Yan", "pelvic inflammatory disease" and other illnesses. Excessive force and extrusion man side, abdominal pressure increased, bowel movements are affected, and sometimes reverse peristalsis can happen, manifested as paroxysmal abdominal pain and therefore urges the men in the sexual action to Medium soft. 
Man of the prostaglandins in semen can pregnant women after the emergence of uterine contraction (non-pregnant persons will not be). This particular physiological phenomenon will not only cause abdominal pain, may also cause premature birth, abortion. If you wear a condom, semen and vaginal mucous membrane to avoid direct contact, this phenomenon would not have happened. 
However, some women and condoms for vaginal very sensitive, allergic reactions can occur, and some infections may occur, which also suffer from abdominal pain. Replacement of contraceptive methods, this phenomenon would not have happened. 
Sexual intercourse, the number of coincident events is also possible. Because of the lower abdomen by a strong impact, vibration, mature follicle, corpus luteum or ectopic pregnancy can rupture suddenly, causing severe abdominal pain and intraperitoneal bleeding. Clinically, the pain has happened thus shock and hemorrhagic shock cases. If this is the case, must immediately on the hospital for treatment. "

Five Ways governance movement Men emission

Five Ways governance movement Men emission 

Male health care diet campaign 

Boys to years old, sometimes unconsciously in their sleep happen phenomenon, which is emission. Emission is a normal physiological phenomenon of sexual development of boys are becoming increasingly sophisticated logo. 
Emission long as they do not frequently happen, will not have an impact on health. However, if the emission is too frequent, such as 1 ~ 2 days there is one meeting, or a sexual impulse on row essence, that is sick of. 
Frequently lead to the spirit of the doldrums emission, dizziness fatigue, languid, pale yellow, the impact of mental and physical health. Sports physical therapy to strengthen, adjust nerve function, treatment, emission has a unique effect. 

Here are several simple methods: 
Static Squat Law 
 chest, knees to make 1 / 4 squat (thigh leg curvature of 120 ~ 140 degrees Celsius), head and neck straight, eyes front, as the arms move forward flat, knees posture in maintaining the same circumstances, make every effort to the inside of the folder, so that the legs, lower abdomen, buttocks maintain a high degree of tension, sustained half a minute after walking a few steps, let the muscles relax and then to do. So repeatedly, the number of self. Every morning to do one of the back. With the enhanced, duration may be gradually extended, repetition can also be gradually increased. 
Crosstraining, freeclimber arm supine legs give law 
Check supine position, his arms stretched in the first post, then lift his legs at the same time rapidly lifting arms so that the two hands and toe contact between the top of the abdomen, when the suction lift, when to restore the breath. Sooner or later each day can be conducted once each do 24 ~ 32 under. With abdominal strength increased, and repeat the above-mentioned number of actions can be gradually increased. 
Finger with both hands clockwise and counterclockwise, respectively, according to repeated gently massage hypogastric Point (abdominal side 2 refers) and Shenshu hole (the smallest waist Department back, next to the second lumbar spinous process to open the next 3 refers to the Agency), through massage these two points, can help adjust and improve sexual function. 
Levator ani Campaign Act 
Sitting on the bed to do anal contraction moves stool looks very similar to endure every night before going to bed, each of which can be contracted to 48 ~ 64 times. Inspiratory contraction and relax when the breath, movement desirable soft, slow and full of rhythm, force evenly. On a regular basis, there is the effect of a long time. 
Cold water washing method 
Temperature, environmental permitting, night first with cold water, then rinse with cold water scrotum a few minutes, help to reduce neuronal excitability. The beginning of washing time not too long and Shen method were weak. 
Here must be pointed out that treatment of PE emission is not able to work several times, only to establish persistence, perseverance, in order to receive good results. In addition, the use of physical therapy when they pay attention to focus primarily on learning and work to cultivate a wide range of interests and hobbies, many take part in collective activities, the establishment of a reasonable living system, adoption of a healthy lifestyle: get rid of masturbation; Good morning, do not Snooze, wake up on the bed, before going to bed Do not drink too much water; feet with hot water, so the technique that is able to fall asleep; beds not too warm or too soft, not too thick blankets, underwear should be relaxed ; sleep posture to side as well, do not hold urine (because the bladder will stimulating nerves, causing central excited and emission) and so on. Information, which is also indispensable to reduce the emission.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Seven resulted in Male sterile fashion

Seven resulted in Male sterile fashion 

Male infertility 

Frequent use of mobile phones 
Cell phone signals through the high-frequency electromagnetic waves will launch out of telecommunications, transmission antennas around a certain amount of microwave radiation. When cell phones have a microwave over the country the required standard, on the potential health hazards, and the human body itself has no feeling. Such high-frequency microwave in addition to nerves, blood, immune system and causing damage to the eyes, the reproductive system often "doomed", for example, reduced sperm count, sperm motility decline. Therefore, men of childbearing age use mobile phones to pay attention to self-protection, have an ordinary phone around as much as possible do not have mobile phones, in order to reduce the microwave radiation on the human body, the number and time; if not using a mobile phone, but also make a long story short. Last resort is the main food reasonable arrangements spectrum, multi-consumption of some high quality protein, phospholipids, as well as B vitamins food, to enhance the ability of radiation to protect the genital functions. 
Bubble Oxygen Bar 
In recent years, the oxygen as a new means of health care in China became popular in some cities, many people in order to bubble oxygen bar for fashion. In response, experts cautioned: healthy people in more than physiological needs Oxygen Bar inhalation of oxygen in the body combine with other substances and the generation of free radicals, disruption of normal biofilm, interference enzyme activity, involving the testis and spermatogenic cell metabolism. 
Candlelight dinner 
This may be affected by the Westerners, do mood and atmosphere is there, but it may bring some harm to the body. It turned out that Candle, especially with scented candles, will release lead, mercury and other harmful particles, lead may act directly on the testicles, hinder testicular androgen synthesis and sperm generation; mercury are damage to sexual function, sexual yu receded, or induced penile erection is not strong, and then induced infertility. 
Washing sauna 
Sauna will enable people to eliminate fatigue, and with illnesses and the effectiveness of fitness, many people are willing to do. However, the experts advise: Sauna become part of youth is the prime culprit for infertility. The reason is simple testicular sperm was born, to the more stringent temperature requirements, must be 34 ℃ -35 ℃ constant temperature conditions in order to normal development, and the Sauna room temperature significantly higher than this standard, very detrimental to sperm growth or death caused by sperm. 
Thus, male fertility has not yet youth, into the sauna should be taken only occasionally, would be penny wise and pound foolish, I am afraid frequented. 
Disposable diapers 
In recent years, disposable diapers hot, men may be the key stages of child development have a negative impact on testicular development, from a young age has sown the seeds of the risk of infertility. German scholar pointed out that this is because the plastic lining of the diaper so that the heat gathered around in the testes of the company. In the use of disposable diapers, the scrotal surface temperature was significantly increased, the maximum high temperature circumstances than one degree, in which infants younger higher scrotal temperatures. 
Many young men chasing fashion leggings, jeans year-round are pretty close. As everyone knows, the jeans will be the scrotum and testicles tightly bound, so that to reduce the local heat, causing testicular temperature that is not conducive to sperm production. At the same time, tight restrictions on the scrotal part of the blood circulation, especially impede venous blood return, causing testicular hematoma caused to the sperm to generate resistance. 
Makeup improper 
The pursuit of beauty in this man beyond reproach, but bearing in mind the choice of cosmetics. Some male local materials, like his wife and long-term shared some cosmetics. In fact for some women to use cosmetics containing a certain amount of estrogen, estrogen into the body may be slow to change endocrine function, so that male sexual function, fertility will naturally cast a shadow

Seven resulted in Male sterile fashion

Seven resulted in Male sterile fashion 

Male infertility 

Frequent use of mobile phones 
Cell phone signals through the high-frequency electromagnetic waves will launch out of telecommunications, transmission antennas around a certain amount of microwave radiation. When cell phones have a microwave over the country the required standard, on the potential health hazards, and the human body itself has no feeling. Such high-frequency microwave in addition to nerves, blood, immune system and causing damage to the eyes, the reproductive system often "doomed", for example, reduced sperm count, sperm motility decline. Therefore, men of childbearing age use mobile phones to pay attention to self-protection, have an ordinary phone around as much as possible do not have mobile phones, in order to reduce the microwave radiation on the human body, the number and time; if not using a mobile phone, but also make a long story short. Last resort is the main food reasonable arrangements spectrum, multi-consumption of some high quality protein, phospholipids, as well as B vitamins food, to enhance the ability of radiation to protect the genital functions. 
Bubble Oxygen Bar 
In recent years, the oxygen as a new means of health care in China became popular in some cities, many people in order to bubble oxygen bar for fashion. In response, experts cautioned: healthy people in more than physiological needs Oxygen Bar inhalation of oxygen in the body combine with other substances and the generation of free radicals, disruption of normal biofilm, interference enzyme activity, involving the testis and spermatogenic cell metabolism. 
Candlelight dinner 
This may be affected by the Westerners, do mood and atmosphere is there, but it may bring some harm to the body. It turned out that Candle, especially with scented candles, will release lead, mercury and other harmful particles, lead may act directly on the testicles, hinder testicular androgen synthesis and sperm generation; mercury are damage to sexual function, sexual yu receded, or induced penile erection is not strong, and then induced infertility. 
Washing sauna 
Sauna will enable people to eliminate fatigue, and with illnesses and the effectiveness of fitness, many people are willing to do. However, the experts advise: Sauna become part of youth is the prime culprit for infertility. The reason is simple testicular sperm was born, to the more stringent temperature requirements, must be 34 ℃ -35 ℃ constant temperature conditions in order to normal development, and the Sauna room temperature significantly higher than this standard, very detrimental to sperm growth or death caused by sperm. 
Thus, male fertility has not yet youth, into the sauna should be taken only occasionally, would be penny wise and pound foolish, I am afraid frequented. 
Disposable diapers 
In recent years, disposable diapers hot, men may be the key stages of child development have a negative impact on testicular development, from a young age has sown the seeds of the risk of infertility. German scholar pointed out that this is because the plastic lining of the diaper so that the heat gathered around in the testes of the company. In the use of disposable diapers, the scrotal surface temperature was significantly increased, the maximum high temperature circumstances than one degree, in which infants younger higher scrotal temperatures. 
Many young men chasing fashion leggings, jeans year-round are pretty close. As everyone knows, the jeans will be the scrotum and testicles tightly bound, so that to reduce the local heat, causing testicular temperature that is not conducive to sperm production. At the same time, tight restrictions on the scrotal part of the blood circulation, especially impede venous blood return, causing testicular hematoma caused to the sperm to generate resistance. 
Makeup improper 
The pursuit of beauty in this man beyond reproach, but bearing in mind the choice of cosmetics. Some male local materials, like his wife and long-term shared some cosmetics. In fact for some women to use cosmetics containing a certain amount of estrogen, estrogen into the body may be slow to change endocrine function, so that male sexual function, fertility will naturally cast a shadow

Man more than the sun to help fertility

Man more than the sun to help fertility 

  Male infertility 

Mouth from the winter cold, this season is the best possession of the human body dependent moment. The body affected by cold temperature, the physiological function and loss of appetite, etc. change. How can we adjust the state of good health, family life in particular the successful overwintering of winter health guide launched a series of articles, for your comprehensive health care information of all kinds of winter, so this is no longer the cold winter! 
People often use "sunshine boys" to describe the energetic of men, in fact, sunlight is important to enhance male vitality of substances, including the vitality of sperm. The most adequate in the sun in summer, female pregnancy rates often higher, which are related to sunlight to promote synthesis of vitamin D on the body. The latest research shows that lifestyle changes and supplements of vitamin D help to improve infertility. 
Australia on infertility study found that pregnant partner should not make vitamin D Man widespread shortage. 
Experts said vitamin D production in the semen plays a decisive role, not only to help the formation of semen, and which makes the activity of sperm. It is estimated that men's sperm normal vitamin D receptor activity is that the semen of infertile men 3 times. 
The incidence of male infertility is increasing, according to World Health Organization data show that married couples should not birth year accounted for about 15%, but the majority of infertility is of unknown etiology for idiopathic infertility . 
Experts recommend that occurred in unexplained male infertility may be more attention to the sun. Australia, the study found that lifestyle changes and supplements of vitamin D, the Male infertility has been significantly improved. However, unreasonable sun-induced skin cancer may be, generally, to choose the temperature at 18-20 degrees Celsius when the more desirable, it is best for outdoor sports, exercise can help the absorption of vitamins. However, time should not be too long, a maximum of two hours, it is necessary to avoid the 12 o'clock to 15 o'clock the sun the strongest time-consuming and not to apply sunscreen, so as not to affect vitamin D absorption.

The early morning to drink fruit juice, beauty is not physical injury

The early morning to drink fruit juice, beauty is not physical injury 

Morning juice milk 

The health of the body must maintain the moisture balance in the day should be drinking 7-8 glasses of water. Many people are aware, after getting up to drink the first glass of water fasting is good for health. However, do you look at that in the end of this glass of water before drinking how to correct? Water, light salt water, honey water, lemonade, fruit juice, milk ... ... these options are right? 
What to drink? 
Water √ 
Fresh water is the best option. Water is the natural state of water purification after a multi-layer treatment, the boil from the water at high temperature in micro-organisms have been killed, boiled water in the calcium and magnesium, elements of good health is very useful, and calcium, magnesium and other elements The hard water has the role of the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Water can be rapidly diluted blood to correct the night hyperosmolar dehydration. 
√ honey water 
Morning with a cup of honey water to drink more scientific. After a night of sleep after people, most in vivo and excretion of water has been absorbed, then an empty stomach drink a cup of honey water, can add moisture, this can increase the nutrition, completely replace the water position. 
Lemonade √ 
Up every morning, pending before eating, fasting to drink a cup of lemon added a fresh piece of hot water. This cup of water is not only a body detoxification best pH neutralizer, but also play a clear exclude the effectiveness of toxins. In addition, if the poor have tone problems, it also can help you improve. 
What do not drink? 
Freshly squeezed juice - add to the burden of gastrointestinal × 

Many people wrongly believe that the morning is drink a cup of fresh fruit juice to quench their thirst and nutrition, In fact, this is wrong. The first morning cup water to drink fruit juice, and can not provide at this time the body needs the most moisture, but in the dry state in the gastrointestinal let work is not conducive to good health. 
Dilute brine - not wholesome × 
Has led many people to think drinking is conducive to dilute brine in good health, so early morning light to drink salt water, this understanding is unscientific. Sleep in the night did not drink water, but breathing, perspiration, urinary still in progress, these physiological activities of many losses to consumption of water, drink salt water then it will add to hyperosmolar dehydration, dry mouth is more. Morning blood pressure increase the body's first peak, drink salt water will make blood pressure higher. 
Cola drinks, etc. - to accelerate the loss of calcium and water × 
Coke and other soft drinks and carbonated drinks contain citric acid in the majority, in the metabolism will speed up the excretion of calcium and lower blood calcium levels, long-term drinking will lead to calcium deficiency. While some beverages have diuretic effect, the early morning of drinking not only the body can not effectively supplement the lack of water, we will increase the body's water requirements, but the water shortage caused by the body. 
Milk - the loss of nutrition in vain × 
Milk is not "the first cup." Fasting milk is "wearing-off intestinal and" time to digest the stomach, small intestine could not absorb, the nutritional value of milk, it can not embody, there are people who appear allergic reactions such as gastrointestinal flatulence, but also to become a bad thing. Therefore, the morning's milk can not be used as the first cup, in order to give full play to the nutritional value of protein. 
What is the most appropriate temperature 
Warm √ 
Drink the same water with the best at room temperature, cold weather can be warm to drink boiled water to minimize gastrointestinal irritation. Cooling after boiling the water to 20-25 ℃, with a specific biological activity, it is relatively easy through the cell membrane and promote metabolism, enhance the body's immune function. Those who used to drinking temperature, the cooler water of the people, the body higher dehydrogenase activity, metabolic status, and muscle tissue to reduce accumulation of lactic acid, it is not easy fatigue. Boiling water in the laundry the night before, we have to stamp, because water in the air exposed for too long will lose activity. 
Ice × 
Some people like to get up the morning after the ice box, think that the most refreshing. In fact, this morning, drinking water is out of date, because at this time have been gastrointestinal emptying, too cold or too hot water will stimulate the stomach, causing gastrointestinal discomfort, flatulence caused by the body. 
Morning the first glass of water Keywords 
Fasting: Fasting early morning drink to be drunk, that is, before meals, or serve any purpose to promote blood circulation, erosion and other gastrointestinal effects. 
Drink slowly: a small population of small mouth and swallowing because of excessive water velocity is very disadvantageous to the body, may lead to lower blood pressure and cerebral edema, leading to headaches, nausea, vomiting. 
300 milliliters: early morning wake up one day when a new body of water to add a critical moment, when to drink 300 milliliters of water the best. 
Every day: a healthy person, per day to drink at least 7 - 8 glasses of water (about 2.5 liters), large amount of exercise or hot weather, the water intake should be increased accordingly. 
Five benefits 
First, add water: the human body when to sleep at night from the urine, skin, respiratory consumed a large amount of water, future generations understand the morning in a physiological state of water shortage. The loss of a body of water at about 450 ml, morning drink to add to the body to lose water metabolism. 
Second, to prevent constipation: the morning after getting up drinking water can stimulate the gastrointestinal motility, intestinal humid, and promote the excretion of feces, prevention and treatment of constipation. 
Three, washed stomach: the morning after getting up has been gastrointestinal emptying, when water can be washed clean stomach, dilute acid to reduce stomach irritation to the gastrointestinal maintain the best condition. 
IV, awake brain: after getting up to drink the water will soon be absorbed by the intestinal mucosa into the blood, which can effectively increase the volume of blood solubilization, dilution of blood, lower blood consistency, and promote blood circulation, to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease, but also people rapid recovery of the brain awake. 
V. beauty beauty: the morning after getting up for physically pay, allow water to quickly transported to the body, helps blood circulation, but also help the body from toxins, nourishing the skin, so that the skin of water.